Life testament जीवन प्रमाण

Narration of traditional knowledge . 3:56

Title: Life testament जीवन प्रमाण

Language: Nepali

Description: My name is Dhan maya ghale and I’m 95 years old I belong to the Ghorkha community I belong to the Ghorka community My home town is I’m Nepal ( parpa village) here’s my small life testimony Life in village has been very difficult In my days I’ve reared cows, sheep, goats in top mountain, taking about my hardships farming was one of my occupation for my livelihood Despite hardships I’ve raised 4 boys and 2 girls I was married at a very young age! Where to go? What to do? How to raise all 6 children life has been really challenging for me after my marriage my mom & Dad passed and my husband expired too with struggling life my middle son passed and my younger daughter passed away and I with my eldest son settled in India my life back there in Nepal was really tough.

All, my four children are separated and I’m all alone with my eldest son who joined the Indian military being a mother is really thought all i do us worry about my three children who are far away from me I consider myself as a mother who did not do anything for my children but I wish for their happiness wherever they are I’m happy and consider myself lucky to see my great grand children after coming to India I received Christ and my sons did too I fully rely in Christ now

Format & Duration: 3minutes , 56 sec
Date of Recording: 8/14/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Dhan maya ghale
Creator: Joseph
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

 Joseph  . 2025  . Life testament जीवन प्रमाण  (Narrated by Dhan maya ghale )  . NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (  . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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