Title: The tale of the Konyak tattoo
Language: Konyak
Description: “The tale of the Konyak tattoo” is a story that is based on the consequences of harming the nature or by doing things that will cause harm to the people and even to the coming generations. There are certain instances where it also mentions that it not only harms people but will also bring disasters in their area leading to loss of lifestocks and land. The key feature of this story is to tell the reader how the Konyak’s face tattoo came into being.
Format & Duration: Audio: 1mins, 45secs.
Date of Recording: 29-Oct-2023
Date of Upload: 02-Nov-2023
Performer: Ashik Jorlim
Creator: Shaboh Threitong K
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: This story provides information to people about how our ancestors lived their lives and how they believed in supernatural beings and the kind of consequences they will face if they do any kind harm to those beings.
K Shaboh Threitong. 2023. The tale of the Konyak tattoo. (https://neiipa.in/audio/the-tale-of-the-konyak-tattoo/) NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (13-Sep-2024)