An Initiative by Tetso College

NEIIPA's Unwavering Mission to Safeguard the Indigenous Cultural Legacy of North East India.

Folk song of Lunngbung

Folk Song . 1:36

Title: Folk song of Lunngbung.

Language: Ronglat


This song narrates the life of Lungbung, a wealthy man from Inrenglong Village, who enjoys a life of great prosperity. His wealth is symbolized by an abundance of wine, likened to an ever-flowing pond that never dries up. Highly respected and revered by the people, Lungbung is compared to celestial bodies like the sun and moon, reflecting his esteemed status within the community. The villagers earnestly wish him a long and healthy life, hoping he will continue to provide guardianship and protection over their village for years to come.

Format & Duration: Audio- 1 mins. 36 secs
Date of Recording: 8/10/2024
Date of Upload: 17-September-2024
Performer: Bamjiyang Gangmei
Creator: Ganchuiliu Rikhi
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Ganchuiliu Rikhi   . 2024.  Folk song of Lunngbung .( NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (05-Oct-2024)

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