Title: Oyo Ethan Motsu Language: Lotha Description: This story tells of a man who, after losing his wife, remarries a woman who cannot have children. Filled with bitterness, the stepmother turns her frustration on her stepdaughter, secretly mistreating her while the father is away. Each day during harvest, the father instructs his new wife to […]
Title: Echü Li Motsu Language: Lotha Description: In the twilight of winter, a villager set out to find new land for planting. After days of wandering, he stumbled upon an unusually lush and fertile area, teeming with fruit-bearing trees and crops, even though it wasn’t harvest season. Thrilled by his discovery, he filled his basket […]
Title: The Boy and the Junglefowl’s Gall Bladder Language: Lotha Description: A translation of a folktale called “The Boy and the Junglefowls’ Gall Bladder” a narration on the lives of a man, his son, and a second wife, a tale of cruelty tentatively propagated throughout the Lotha Nagas in order to discourage the community on […]
Title: The story of Raünthüvüpa and Lürathüvüpa Language: Pochury Description: This narrative revolves around the village chief of Leruri and his unique bond with the tiger, the sovereign of the forest. It also explores the origins of Leruri village. In ancient times, a cycle of violence existed between humans and tigers, with each posing a […]
Title: The story of MOMOLA : an offering to the river Language: Wancho Description: Three brief “Wancho Folksongs” known as “Kātjo Tsāi” or “Birth Song” are included in the audio clip above. Three brief Wancho folksongs known as “Katjo Tsai” or “Birth Song” are included in the audio clip above. The first song echoes the […]
Title: The story of MOMOLA : an offering to the river Language: Chang Description: According to a chang legend, there once lived a girl named MOMOLA. One day her mother took her for fishing. They both tried their best, but they could not catch any fish. Frustrated, the mother at last made a promise that […]
Title: HAND WEAVING Language: sumi Description: The traditional weaving techniques of Nagaland (one of the north-eastern states of India) include using a back strap loom, also known as a loin loom or pit loom to weave textiles from handspun cotton, eri silk, nettle, and bark fibers. The loin loom is a portable bamboo loom with […]
Title: Chekhweyi Language: Chakhesang Description: This is a traditional Chakhesang folk song sung in groups by the men. The song praises a young woman who is about to marry, with the men expressing their appreciation for her contributions and service to the community during her maiden years. The singers are from Jessami village in Ukhrul […]
Title: Mapu Kediyi Language: Chakhesang Description: A traditional chakhesang folk song sang in group by men’s folk. The singers are from Jessami village, Ukhrul District, Manipur. Format & Duration: Video: 2 mins. 4 secs.Date of Recording: 24-May-2024Date of Upload: 6 November 2024Performer: Misewelo Wezah & Kekhwelhi WezahCreator: Wichamdinbo MatianaPublisher: Tetso College, DimapurNote: Kewvilezo Mekrisuh, Kewechupe mekrisuh, Nishzo Wezah assisted […]
Title: Narration of traditional child birth system in Tikhir community. Language: Tikhir Description: The narrator Phanongshe, 69, of Thonok village narrates the traditional cultivation system among the Tikhir people. The narrator is now resides in Kiphire town. Format & Duration: Video: 2 mins. 23 secs.Date of Recording: 24-May-2024Date of Upload: 6 November 2024Performer: Phanongshe TikhirCreator: Wichamdinbo MatianaPublisher: Tetso […]
Title: Narration of traditional Marriage system in Tikhir Language: Tikhir Description: The narrator R. Wongtsukiu, 71, of Thonok village narrates the traditional cultivation system among the Tikhir people. The narrator is now resides in Kiphire town. Format & Duration: Video: 4 mins. 29 secs.Date of Recording: 24-May-2024Date of Upload: 6 November 2024Performer: R. WongtsukiuCreator: Wichamdinbo MatianaPublisher: Tetso College, […]
Title: Narration of traditional cultivation practices in Tikhir Language: Tikhir Description: The narrator Tsinthong Tikhir, 75, of Thonok village narrates the traditional cultivation system among the Tikhir people. The narrator now resides in Kiphire town. Format & Duration: Video: 6 mins. 34 secs.Date of Recording: 24-May-2024Date of Upload: 6 November 2024Performer: Tsinthong TikhirCreator: Wichamdinbo MatianaPublisher: Tetso College, DimapurNote: 1. […]
Title: The role of mürokpo Language: Tikhir Description: The narrator, Mulahthong, 80, S/o. Khiulemo from Anatongre village, briefly shares insights into the roles of Mürokpo and Thongpü. These individuals hold their roles through family tradition, serving as designated leaders who personally conduct a ritual on each farm before the start of planting. This essential ritual […]
Title: Tatooing Culture in Tikhir Community Language: Tikhir Description: Mrs. Reikham, aged 76, from Anatongre Village, shares her personal experiences and describes how tattoos were traditionally applied by members of the Tikhir community in earlier times. She herself is adorned with numerous tattoos that cover her arms and legs. Yatap means tattoo in Tikhir. Format […]
Title: Traditional tatooing in Tikhir Community Language: Tikhir Description: Tattooing is now rarely practised in the Tikhir community. In this video document, Mrs. Khianmongshe, aged 80, from Anatongre Village, shares her personal experiences and describes how tattoos were traditionally applied by members of the Tikhir community in olden days. She herself is adorned with numerous […]