The time of the year . According to sumi culture

Narration of traditional knowledge . 3:33

Title: The time of the year . According to sumi culture

Language: Sumi

Description: In the era of our forefathers ,the month of April (ghixu)starts with building and strengthing relationships with our relatives and neighbours by cooking meals , carrying them in bamboo woven basket and share these meals while clearing the paths leading to the fields.This act of Sharing and cooperation helps to foster community ties and prepare for the upcoming agricultural activities .
During the month of July ,the tuluni festival takes place which involves the ritual of slaughtering of pigs and cattlle. The meat is shared among relatives and notably sharing extends to the fiance in -laws ,who recieve portions of meat and rice to distribute among their close relatives. Special attention is given to widowed men (samemi) and women (chimemi) ensuring they receive substantial amount of meat food to build and strengthen relationships are the primary recipient of heaps of meat and food.
In the month of October, a period called sicheni is dedicated to clearing and cleaning the paths leading to the fields .saghenia time where everyone focuses on cleaning their individual huts and the surrounding areas .The cleaning efforts extended to ensure all paths are clear and accessible.In the month of November (ahuna ) the harvest community celebrates the bounty of their fields with a feast. The celebration, known as Ahuna , involves preparing and sharing meals made from the harvest crops ,marking the successful end of the agricultural season and reinforcing community binds through shared festivities.
In the Sumi tradition, these cycles of communal activities—nurturing relationships, sharing sustenance, and celebrating the fruits of labor —reflect a deep-seated respect for the interconnectedness of community life and the rhythms of the seasons.

Format & Duration: 3 minute 33 second
Date of Recording: 7/28/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Qhinihe Swu
Creator: Gihuvi k zhimo
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

 Gihuvi k zhimo   . 2025  . The time of the year . According to sumi culture .   (Narrated by Qhinihe Swu  )  . NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (  . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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