Title: A Bird Called Pipiu

Language: Sangtam

Description: A Bird Called Pipiu
(Uza khüdu neng Pipiu)
Once there was a meeting of all the birds that lived on earth. Each group of birds sent their representatives to discuss on various agendas. One of the most important was “Solution for drinking water “.As they began the discussion, one of the participants stood up and said, “During dry season we always face scarcity of drinking water. We have had suffered a lot due to this. Therefore, we must find a solution “.
The birds brought forward different issues and problem, which was also a concern for all the creatures that lived on earth. After serious deliberation they finally resolved that, “All the birds on this earth would dig a well in their own respective places. The meeting concluded on a note that, a severe action would be taken against defaulters “.
On the appointment day all the birds from all over the world dug the well except the one called “Pipiu ” (tsangla Oquh).The Pipiu could not participate in the meeting due to an important engagement on that day. All the birds that had dug the well got furious at him. So they decided that Pipiu must be prohibited to drink water from the well. Since then Pipiu had to depend solely on rain water or drops of dew for it’s survival.
As Pipiu could not drink water from the well and that the rain was irregular, whenever he felt thirsty, he would pray to God to sent rain from the sky by signing “tsinghee – tsinghee -tsinghee “. Even today, it is believed that it uses to rain whenever Pipiu sings “tsinghee -tsinghee -tsinghee”.

Format & Duration: video: 3 minute 33 seconds
Date of Recording: 6-Aug-2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Lumtila Sangtam
Creator: Asang Sangtam
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

 Asang Sangtam  . 2025  . A Bird Called Pipiu .   (Narrated by Lumtila Sangtam  )  . NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (https://neiipa.in/audio/a-bird-called-pipiu/)  . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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