The Story of Mr Kasho Papu

Folk Tale . 4:06

Title: The Story of Mr Kasho Papu

Language: Sangtam

Description: In the mystical land of Nagaland, there once lived a man named Kiviho, known for his wisdom and deep love for nature. Kasho, Kiviho’s son inhirited his father’s love for the land and reverence for tradition. Kiviho, sensing his time drawing near he called upon his beloved son to share a profound secret. Kiviho said, “My dear son, listen closely, for the time has come for me to reveal a hidden truth. When I pass from this earthly realm, I shall return as a bird, singing ‘Kasho Pap’, which translate to ‘Kasho’s father’. This will be a sign for you, indicating the perfect time to sow peddy in our fields. Remember my son, do not sow until you hear the joyous chatter of Kasho papu”. Kasho’s heart swelled as he absorbed his father’s words. He understood the significance of this revelation and vowed to honor his father’s guidance. Meanwhile his neighbors started to sow their fields, in due time their fields started to flourish, Kasho’s wife grew restless and urge Kasho to follow suit. “Why do we wait, Kasho?” She questioned. “Our neighbor have already sown their paddy and their fields thrive . Let us not delay any longer”. Kasho responded calmly “we must remain steadfast and wait for the call of Kasho Papu. Only then she’ll we sow our paddy”.
As days turn into week and week into months, it drew criticism and mockery from his neighbors. The whispers grew louder yet his faith In his father’s words remain unshakable. One morning when Kasho venture into the fields with his friends, an ethereal melody graced the air. “Kasho Papu” echoed through the valley, the sound reverberating in Kasho’s soul. He was filled with joy and relief, he knew the time has come to fulfill his father’s prophecy. Thinking quickly, he pretended to fall ill, claiming a troubled stomach and rested by the roadside. Concerned, his friends insisted on taking him home. However, determine to heed the call of “Kasho Papu”, he politely declined their help. In the warmth of his home, Kasho shared his encounter with “Kasho Papu” with his wife. Kasho instructed his wife to prepare a grant feast, including the traditional “Aji” (rice bear) to celebrate the forthcoming venture into the fields. Kasho and his wife ventured into their fields, accompanied by the enchanting chatter of “Kasho Papu” created a symphony of hope and abundance. The month passed, their fields were brimming with life that surpassed all expections. Meanwhile, their neighbors faced meager harvest and realized the significance of timing in nature’s dance. Witnessing the stark contrast between Kasho and their fields they recognized the wisdom bestowed upon Kasho Papu. The legend of Kasho Papu resonates throughout the generations. It teaches us the value I’d patience, the importance of heeding ancestral wisdom and the rewards that comes from respecting the natural rhythm of life.

Format & Duration: 4 Minute 6 Seconds
Date of Recording: 14/08/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Bokali Chopy
Creator: Hitokali A KIba
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

 Hitokali A KIba  . 2025  . The Story of Mr Kasho Papu .   (Narrated by Bokali Chopy  )  . NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (  . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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