Title: Traditional tatooing in Tikhir Community
Language: Tikhir
Description: Tattooing is now rarely practised in the Tikhir community. In this video document, Mrs. Khianmongshe, aged 80, from Anatongre Village, shares her personal experiences and describes how tattoos were traditionally applied by members of the Tikhir community in olden days. She herself is adorned with numerous tattoos that cover her arms and legs. Yatap means tatoo in Tikhir.
Format & Duration: Video: 4 mins. 29 secs.
Date of Recording: 25-May-2024
Date of Upload: 6 November 2024
Performer: Khianmongshe
Creator: Wichamdinbo Matiana
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: 1. Achemung Tikhir assisted the recording of this video, Anatongre Village. 2. Foundation for Endangered Languages supported financially to conduct this work.
Matiana, Wichamdinbo . 2024 . Traditional tatooing in Tikhir Community (Narrated by Khianmongshe) . NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/traditional-tattooing-in-tikhir-community/) . Accessed: (06-Dec-2024)