Folk Tale . 6:33

Title: The story of HOW “ANISHE” GOT ITS NAME

Language: Sumi

Description: In a Sumi village, a warrior named Phio and a wealthy girl, Nisheli, fell deeply in love despite their differing social statuses. Nisheli’s parents opposed their relationship, but the couple planned to elope. Their plan was overheard by Kutpa, another man who loved Nisheli. The next morning, Kutpa tricked Nisheli by mimicking Phio’s voice, leading her away under the cover of darkness. When Nisheli realized the deception, she insisted on returning to Phio. In anger, Kutpa killed her.

Phio, heartbroken when Nisheli didn’t meet him, later encountered a mysterious flower that sheltered him from the rain. That night, Nisheli appeared in his dream, revealing the truth of her fate and that the flower was her spirit. Phio awoke to find blood on his ear, as Nisheli had foretold. Devastated, Phio eventually died, reuniting with her in death. The Sumi people believe the flower “Anishe” represents their tragic love story, with the name deriving from Nisheli, who returned as the flower to protect her lover.

Format & Duration: 6 minutes 33 seconds
Date of Recording: 8/13/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Kihoto shohe GB
Creator: Juli chophy
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

 Juli chophy    . 2025  . The story of HOW “ANISHE” GOT ITS NAME   (Narrated by Kihoto shohe GB  )  . NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (  . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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