Title: The role of mürokpo
Language: Tikhir
Description: The narrator, Mulahthong, 80, S/o. Khiulemo from Anatongre village, briefly shares insights into the roles of Mürokpo and Thongpü. These individuals hold their roles through family tradition, serving as designated leaders who personally conduct a ritual on each farm before the start of planting. This essential ritual is performed for every farmer or household prior to sowing any crops in the village. This practice is still current in Anatongre village. The current narrator himself is Mürokpo.
Format & Duration: Video: 5 mins. 26 secs.
Date of Recording: 25-May-2024
Date of Upload: 4 November 2024
Performer: Mulahthong
Creator: Wichamdinbo Matiana
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: 1. Achemung Tikhir assisted the recording of this video, Anatongre Village. 2. Foundation for Endangered Languages supported financially to conduct this work.
Matiana, Wichamdinbo . 2024 . The role of mürokpo (Narrated by Mulahthong) . NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/the-role-of-murokpo/) . Accessed: (06-Dec-2024)