Title: Story of the two eagles
Language: Sumi
The story of two eagles who lived in a tall, huge tree. All the people tried to take the eaglets but none succeeded. One day two brothers decided to climb the tree with the help of ready-made nail made of well-matured bamboo with an agreement that whoever reaches the nest first will get the bigger bird. The younger brother reached the nest before the older brother but the older brother wanted to take the bigger bird for himself. In a fit of anger and jealousy, the older brother, as he climbed down and removed all the bamboo nails leaving his younger brother in the nest. In order to survive, the younger brother fed on whatever the parent birds fed their young birdie. He knew that once their feather matured they would fly away leaving him alone and he would die out of starvation,so he began to pluck the feather out of the eaglets. On seeing this the parent birds requested the boy to allow them to take him to the ground but he refused. The parent bird carried two stones from the river to prove him that they can carry him . The boy agreed and went back home after.
Format & Duration: Audio: 4 mins,4 secs
Date of Recording: 8/13/2024
Date of Upload: 4 October 2024
Performer: Inabo shohe
Creator: Mughabeli shohe
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: A sumi folktale
Shohe, Mughabeli . 2024 . Story of the two eagles (narrated by Inabo shohe) . NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/story-of-the-two-eagles/) . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)