Title: Shitilong Otsü
Language: Ao (chungli)
Description: This narration unveils a compelling legend from the Ao community’s Mongsenyimyi Village, where tradition and culture are revered. Around 180 years after the village’s formation, the tale of “Shitilong” emerged, witnessed by a man of wealth and wisdom, Süameren, who was part of the village council. Shitilong literally translates to “Elephant Rock” as it is a huge rock like a mighty elephant.This Rock became the God of Mongsenyimti, ushering in an era of worship and blessings. The natives placed unwavering faith in Shitilong, receiving bountiful harvests, climate control, and protection during war.
Format & Duration: Audio: 4mins 14 secs
Date of Recording: 26-Jul-2023
Date of Upload: 10-Nov-2023
Performer: Y.O Bendang Ozükum
Creator: Dorela Jangrü, Onenkokla Jamir, Arentula, Kecheitei-ü letro, Thechano Murry.
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Jangrü Dorela, Jamir Onenkokla, Arentula, Letro Kecheitei-ü, Murry Thechano. 2023. Shitilong Otsü. (https://neiipa.in/audio/shitilong-otsu/) NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Sep-2024)