Garo Folk tale “Jugi Silchi”

Folk Tale . 4:39

Title: Garo Folk tale “Jugi Silchi”

Language: Garo


In the Garo Hills, a beautiful girl named Jugi Silchi caught the eye of Ahom Raja, the King of Assam. However, the Garo community opposed her marriage to the king, fearing cultural and societal implications. To protect Jugi Silchi, the community hid her in a cave.
The folk tale doesn’t reveal what has happened to Jugi Silchi after hiding her . He said that it is possible that her parents or community members took care of her, ensuring her safety and well-being.This folk tale highlights the Garo community’s strong sense of protection and cultural preservation. It also showcases the interactions and power dynamics between the Garo people and the Ahom kingdom.

Format & Duration: Audio: 4 Mins, 39Secs
Date of Recording: 7/25/2024
Date of Upload: 26-September-2024
Performer: Mr.Tengku D Sangma
Creator: Jaksilchi S Sangma
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Special Thanks to Mr.Tengku D Sangma For sharing his knowledge on “Jugi Silchi” Garo Folk Tale so clearly and nicely.

Jaksilchi S Sangma   . 2024.  Garo Folk tale "Jugi Silchi".( NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)

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