Title: Chekhweyi
Language: Chakhesang
Description: This is a traditional Chakhesang folk song sung in groups by the men. The song praises a young woman who is about to marry, with the men expressing their appreciation for her contributions and service to the community during her maiden years. The singers are from Jessami village in Ukhrul District, Manipur.
Format & Duration: Video: 1 mins. 55 secs.
Date of Recording: 24-May-2024
Date of Upload: 6 November 2024
Performer: Misewelo Wezah & Kekhwelhi Wezah
Creator: Wichamdinbo Matiana
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Thanks to Kewvilezo Mekrisuh, Kewechupe Mekrisuh, Nishzo Wezah for assisting the recording of this video at Jessami village.
Matiana, Wichamdinbo . 2024 . Chekhweyi (Narrated by R. Wongtsukiu) . NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/chekhweyi/) . Accessed: (06-Dec-2024)