Title: An ancestoral lore of farmers
Language: Sumi
Description: An ancestral lore of farmers and the name of the shifts. Once there lived two brothers in a village, with Lhuba being the younger and Tulhu being the older. One day a sudden famine struck the village which made the brothers decided to flee. The younger brother waited behind to look after their house once more, causing Tulhu to leave first.
Tulhu departed and stumbled upon a village where a group of people were jovially singing and working on the field. When he arrived, the group had finished their initial shift and were relaxing for a meal. Tulhu catches up with them and continue to work with them on the second shift.
Following his brother, Lhuba saw him working with people. He arrived at the end of the second shift, just like his brother, as they were about to have another meal. He was invited to eat with them and he also began working with them as well. Tulhu arrived shortly after the first shift ended, thereby, the break between the initial shift and the second shift was named after the elder brother and was called “Tulhushe”.
“Phalu” in sumi dialect is defined as arriving at the exact moment when someone or something is needed and since Lhuba arrived exactly during the meal time (Phalu) after the second shift, the break between the second shift and third shift was called Phaluba.
During the third and the final shift, the farmers swiftly removed the weed without its roots, and the act of doing so is called “Phisu”. Phisu is the practice of quickly eradicating weeds without rooting them.
Hence, ‘Phitsu’ was the name given to the final shift.
Format & Duration: 2 minutes 39 seconds
Date of Recording: 7/29/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Khevishe N zhimo
Creator: Gihuvi k zhimo
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Gihuvi k zhimo . 2025 . An ancestoral lore of farmers (Performed by Khevishe N zhimo ) . NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/an-ancestoral-lore-of-farmers/) . Accessed: (12-Feb-2025)