An Initiative by Tetso College

NEIIPA's Unwavering Mission to Safeguard the Indigenous Cultural Legacy of North East India.

The story of the hornbill feather

Folk Tale . 4:11

Title: The story of the hornbill feather

Language: Sumi


Once upon a time a group of folks (Aloji) worked the fields. Among the group, there was two infant babies named Kivigho, a boy and Khauli, a girl. As they grew up they became lovers. Khauli belonged to a wealthy family while Kivigho belonged to a poor family. Eventually, Khauli was married off to a boy from another village. Kivigho was shocked when he heard the news of her amrriage. However, he accepted his harsh fate. Life went on like that. One evening some of Khauli’s friends tried to test Kivigho’s love for her telling him to carry “Flamed charcoal” on his hands to Khauli’s village. To prove his true love, kivigho did it.On reaching the village, night fell and he saw Khauli coming out of her house. Kivigho called out for her. Khauli instantly recognised his voiced and covered him with a bamboo casket fearing that her husband might see him. Morning fell and Khauli sent her husband with the first group of people who were leaving for the fields. Then, she met kivigho and they planned to return to their native village. On their way, Khauli felt hungry. Kivigho climbed a fruit tree to pluck some fruits, but he couldn’t make his way down for he had broken all the branches and he couldn’t get down the tree, and to her surprise he slowly transformed into a hornbill (Aghacho). So, he told khauli to come out and look out for him whenever she hears people talking about an exquisite bird in the air. Heartbroken, Khauli went back to her husband’s village. Days passed, one day as khauli was grinding corn, she heard people talking about a rare bird flying about in the village. She came out and saw it too. Suddenly, a bird feather landed on her chest, so she took and kept it with her. Night came and as she met Kivigho in her dream, she ask what would she do with the feather and Kivigho replied, “Let it be used by all generation as a symbol of my never ending love for you”. For, till to this generation, every tribe in Nagaland use the hornbill feather in the traditional head-gear, made of bear’s fur.

Format & Duration: Audio: 4mins,11 secs
Date of Recording: 8/14/2024
Date of Upload: 8 October 2024
Performer: Pulokali k. Achumi
Creator: Kinali k. Achumi
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Dr. Rosy Tep who gave me the golden opportunity to do this golden opportunity to do this wonderful assignment. Secondly, I would like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this assignment within the limited time frame.

Kinali k. Achumi   . 2024. The story of the hornbill feather    .( NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (13-Oct-2024)

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