Title: The Great Warrior.
Language: Angami
Throughout the conflict-ridden wartime, Limozu was known as a great warrior. He hailed from the Angami tribe and was widely recognized in both his village and neighboring villages.
During a period of chaotic and violent disturbances, Limozu and his beloved decided to go on a hunting expedition. While they were engaged in hunting, his beloved was disturbed by the spirit of war. Unfortunately, she began to experience significant mobility limitations, rendering her unable to walk or run. Despite his best efforts to carry her, she remained immobile. To avoid being killed by the conflict party, Limozu prioritized his own safety and fled.
Upon returning to his native village, Limozu was cursed by his beloved’s brothers and his own people because, despite his reputation for bravery and valor, he had failed to protect his beloved.
Overwhelmed with regret and guilt, Limozu planned to seek revenge and prove his bravery. He decided to go to the village where his beloved had been killed.
Before visiting the village, he prepared chicken, placed it in his bag, and traveled with his potentially aggressive dog. He also trimmed his hair to look like a completely different person so that no one would recognize him as the great warrior Limozu.
When he reached the village, the people were rejoicing and celebrating, seemingly taking pleasure in the fact that his beloved had been killed. Because they did not know he was the great warrior Limozu, they invited him to join their feast. Although they offered him a meal, he declined it, choosing instead to secretly feed his dog. He then discreetly retrieved his own meal from his bag and ate it.
After the feast, they invited him to stay overnight. He accepted their offer, and once everyone was asleep, he decided to seek revenge. He killed everyone and cut off their right ears as grim trophies. He searched for his beloved’s head but could not find it. As he was about to leave, he heard a strange sound from the chicken nest, which turned out to be his beloved’s head. He took her head and began his journey back to his village.
On his way, he met an old lady and asked for her help to light his lantern. The old lady inquired why he was roaming alone at night while others were celebrating the killing of Limozu’s beloved. Realizing that the old lady was from the neighboring village, Limozu, in his rage, violently pulled her hair and decapitated her, taking her head with him.
He placed his beloved’s head in his bag and carried the elderly woman’s head with him. As he continued his journey, he became excessively drowsy and eventually fell asleep. During his slumber, he had a vivid dream in which his beloved expressed distress and concern about being left behind. Upon waking, he realized that his beloved was fearful for her safety. He placed the old lady’s head in his bag and held his beloved’s head in his hand as he proceeded toward his village.
Upon returning, he presented the heads of his beloved and the elderly woman, along with the ears of the men he had killed, as trophies to demonstrate his triumph and vindication. This display was intended to showcase his bravery and prove the success of his quest for revenge. The community, including his beloved’s brothers, celebrated his actions, acknowledging his demonstration of valor and retribution.
Format & Duration:Audio: 4mins, 32 secs
Date of Recording: 8/13/2024
Date of Upload: 13-September-2024
Performer: Diezeno
Creator: Neireno Chuse
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: For educational purpose only
Chuse, Neireno . 2024. The Great Warrior .(https://neiipa.in/audio/the-great-warrior/) Sovima: NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (12-Mar-2025)