Title: The Boy and the Junglefowl’s Gall Bladder
Language: Lotha
Description: A translation of a folktale called “The Boy and the Junglefowls’ Gall Bladder” a narration on the lives of a man, his son, and a second wife, a tale of cruelty tentatively propagated throughout the Lotha Nagas in order to discourage the community on the evils of not honoring the sacred matrimony
Format & Duration: Audio: 4:30 mins
Date of Recording: 8/19/2024
Date of Upload: 9 December 2024
Performer: Nkhalo Ngullie
Creator: Tokhuo Humtsoe
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Humtsoe, Tokhuo. 2024 . The Boy and the Junglefowl's Gall Bladder (Narrated by Nkhalo Ngullie) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/the-boy-and-the-junglefowls-gall-bladder/) . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)