Title: The art of pottery making

Language: Ao (Changki)


The changki womenfolk were the first in the Ao region to engage in earthen pottery making. In an age of headhunting, their skill was a boon as they could be on good terms with their enemies. Legend says that all the clans of the Ao community used the earthen pots made by the Changkians to cook, so they all had to maintain a friendly relationship with our ancestors which allowed them to thrive in peace.
Our forefathers had to face untold challenges in those days, especially in fire crisis. So, fire emergencies occurred a lot randomly through out the year irrespective of seasons, this caused great loss of life and property. There are lots of many Ao villages being burnt down into ashes. The following lines will narrate the good deeds and help extended by our forefathers to the victim of the disaster. The village Which were razed down the ground were Ungma village in 1932,
Longsa village and Mopungchuket village in 1936, Mangmetong village and Longkhum village in 1937. Whenever news of such misfortunes were heard, our great grandmothers would collect the earthen pots they made and carry them carefully in bamboo baskets on their heads. With this fragile load, they walked tirelessly to these villages and sympathized with the victim by distributing their handmade pots.
Not only helping the needy, but they sacrificed hours upon hours of intense labor to make the pots which were sold to support and fund their children’s education.

This is why bats never come out during the day but only at night.

Format & Duration: Video: 3 mins, 29secs.
Date of Recording: 8/15/2024
Date of Upload: 21 October 2024
Performer: Sentilemla jamir
Creator: Lendiben Ningdangri
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: The art of pottery making has been our Changki womenfolk’s exclusive identity. As this legacy continues among the youths of our generation, we remember their act of great love and sacrifice.

Ningdangri, Lendiben  . 2024  . The art of pottery making (narrated by Sentilemla jamir)  . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (https://neiipa.in/audio/the-art-of-pottery-making/)  . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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