The Angel’s Wife

Episode 53 . 3:39

Title: The Angel’s Wife.

Language: Sumi


A long time ago, there lived a close-knit family consisting of a father, mother, nine sons, and a daughter. The only daughter would often tell her parents, “Someday, I will become the wife of an angel.” However, her parents neither believed her nor took her words seriously.

One day, the daughter requested her parents to prepare her dowry and begin brewing rice beer. In response, her parents said, “No suitor has come seeking your hand in marriage, so how can we begin preparing your dowry?”

On another occasion, the daughter informed her parents, “I am leaving tonight. I will go after I finish cooking and eating.” Still, her parents did not take her words seriously.

The next morning, the parents awoke to find their beloved daughter gone. Shocked, they exclaimed, “Oh my! She has truly left us. She had been telling us the truth all this time. Indeed, she has gone to the angels.”

After some time, the daughter returned home with her newborn son. Her family welcomed her warmly, and her nine brothers took turns holding the baby. Tragically, when the youngest brother held the child, the infant died. Overcome with grief, the daughter cried inconsolably as she held her lifeless child in her arms. While mourning, she looked to the sky and saw a massive star burning with smoking flames. Realizing its significance, she said, “My husband and father-in-law are on their way to take me back. I will return to my husband with my deceased child, to the place of the burning star.”

With a heavy heart, the daughter told her mother, “Mother, I must return to my husband with my son. But please, do not look towards the path I take. If you do, you will never see me again, and I will never be able to return.”

Despite this warning, curiosity overtook the mother. She secretly watched her daughter leave and, to her amazement, saw an angelic figure dressed in a dazzling red gown come to take her daughter away.

Because the mother disregarded her daughter’s plea, that was the last time she ever saw her. Her beloved daughter was gone forever, never to return. Had the mother listened to her daughter’s words, perhaps she would have had the chance to see her again one day.

Format & Duration: Audio- 3 mins. 39 secs
Date of Recording: 8/18/2024
Date of Upload: 13-September-2024
Performer: ILIKA AYEMI
Creator: Ilinoto Caty
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Ilinoto Caty  . 2024.  The  Angel's Wife .( NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (04-Feb-2025)

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