Title: Story of the Sapoti Pond
Language: Sumi
Description: The story of the escaped pond in sapoti sumi village. Which was located in the middle of the mountain where the people utilize and use the pond. There was a ghost of that pond that kept the pond and consulted the villagers to utilize the pond in hygiene and clean and where even all the villagers worship the ghost of pond. There was a man named Orgrangrong who had a wife and infant child. He dumped the waste in the pond which eventually disappeared along with his wife and child while he was in the field. Later he realized that both his wife and child had disappeared without a trace. When he came in search of his wife and child he saw a segment of water across the Nanga river. As he approached closer he saw his wife with an infant in her arms sewing the garments. But he realized that they were possessed by the ghost of the pond. He went back to the village and told the villagers and relatives what had happened soon after he also died. After the death of orgrangrong the pond divided itself into three after the pond ghost seized the mother and the infant and the pond extracted water itself. At present according to the story being told by the elders there was only one pond but the mother and infant seized by the ghost turned into a pond. Which is now known as the male, female and infant. Where water the pond extract water without connecting to any river. The pond appears water and disappears on its own according to its season.

Format & Duration: Audio: 3mins 29secs
Date of Recording: 10-Aug-2023
Date of Upload: 20-Nov-2023
Performer: Hekhive
Creator: Viboli H Achumi
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Achumi Viboli H. 2023. Story of the Sapoti Pond. (https://neiipa.in/audio/story-of-the-sapoti-pond/) NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (04-Feb-2025)

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