Title: Story Of “Jugi Silchi”
Language: Garo
Description: In the ancient Garo Hills, a remarkably beautiful woman named Jugi Silchi lived among her people. Her exceptional beauty captured the attention of the powerful King of Assam, Ahom, who was determined to make her his queen. However, the Garo people, unwilling to part with their beloved Jugi Silchi, cleverly hid her in a secluded cave to protect her. This brave act ensured her safety and allowed her to remain a cherished member of their community. To this day, Jugi Silchi’s legendary beauty is celebrated, and her name is used to describe women of extraordinary loveliness, inspiring generations with her story.
Format & Duration: Audio: 4 mins, 38 Secs
Date of Recording: 7-July-2024
Date of Upload: 22-August-2024
Performer: Mr.Tengku D Sangma
Creator: Jaksilchi S Sangma
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Mr Tengku D Sangma told the story of Jugi Silchi very well, making it exciting and easy to remember.
Sangma, Jaksilchi S . 2024. Story Of "Jugi Silchi". (https://neiipa.in/audio/story-of-jugi-silchi/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)