Story Of “Asi Malja”

Folk Tale . 6:31

Title: Story Of “Asi Malja”
Language: Garo
Description: The legend of Asi Malja is a deeply ingrained superstitious belief within the Garo community, serving as a cautionary tale about the importance of respecting and listening to one’s elders. According to the belief, Asi and Malja were two individuals cursed by their gods for their disobedience, leading to severe consequences. The phrase “Asi Malja” has become a common expression used to warn both children and adults about the repercussions of ignoring traditional wisdom and advice. This legend underscores the significance of intergenerational respect and the value placed on traditional knowledge and wisdom in the Garo community.

Format & Duration: Audio: 6 mins, 31 Secs
Date of Recording: 7-July-2024
Date of Upload: 30-August-2024
Performer:Mr.Esak Pantora Ch . Marak
Creator: Jaksilchi S Sangma
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Special Thanks to Mr.Esak Pantora for telling the story of Asi Malja very well, with lots of enthusiasm and feeling.

Sangma, Jaksilchi S  . 2024. Story Of "Asi Malja". ( Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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