Title: Story of a Mother and a Child.
Language: Lotha
Long ago, a couple lived together, but the husband passed away while his wife was pregnant. Later, the woman gave birth to a baby boy. Tragedy struck again when their house caught fire, and the child was asleep inside. The mother, seeing the raging flames, thought to herself, “No matter what happens to me, I must save my child.” She covered her head with clothes and bravely entered the burning house, rescuing her precious son. However, in doing so, she suffered severe burns that left her face disfigured and unrecognizable, making her appearance unpleasant to behold.
As the boy grew up, his friends teased him, saying, “Your mother looks disgusting.” Hurt by their words, the boy stopped acknowledging his mother. Despite this, her love for her son never wavered. She sent him to a distant place to study, and he became an educated man.
Years later, the son returned to his village and visited his home, where he found his mother had grown old. Upon seeing her, he said, “You are not my mother.” His words broke her heart, and she was overcome with sadness. With tears in her eyes, she said, “I may look ugly now, but it’s because I risked my life to save you from the fire when you were a baby. My beautiful face was burned while rescuing you, and I have lived with these scars ever since.”
The mother then asked her son to go around the village, calling out, “Mother! Mother!” to every house. She told him that if no one responded, he should go to the small hut in the corner of the village and call out again. The son did as instructed, calling out to every house in the village, but no one responded. Finally, he went to the small hut and called out, “Mother! Mother!” From within, he heard a response: “My dearest son!” It was his mother, revealing the depth of her love from the small hut.
The son learned a valuable lesson that day. From then on, he loved and cherished his mother dearly, and they lived together happily.
Moral: In this world, there is no love like a mother’s love.
Format & Duration: Audio: 5mins, 31 secs
Date of Recording: 7/25/2024
Date of Upload: 11-September-2024
Performer:Rev Thebemo Lotha
Creator: Lansothung T Lotha
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Lotha, Lansothung T . 2024. Story of a Mother and a Child.(https://neiipa.in/audio/story-of-a-mother-and-a-child/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)