Title: Stepmother
Language: Phom
Description: This is a brief story of a son who became a wild animal since his mother did not love him. A very loving family consisting of a father, mother, and son used to reside in a village long ago. The family had excellent ties with both the village and its neighbors and was a truly loving and content family. Unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived as sorrow struck them; the mother passed away, leaving the boy and father in despair and grieving for a very long period.After a few years, the father and son decide to adopt a new wife. Soon after, the father gets a new wife, and as they started living together, the stepmother did not love the son and the child struggled to live with her because of her harsh and unkind treatment. As a result, the son decides he will work and stay in the field, and he begins living in the field. Every day, his stepmother sends him packed meals from home.The meals she packed and sent her son each day were made of fire ashes rather than genuine food. Because his father was ignorant of this, the son who was in the field was fed nothing but ashes every day. In order to survive, the boy began to eat anything he could find in the field.
The father makes the decision to visit his kid one day, cooks him a lot of delicious meals, and takes him to the field. As he got near the field, he could not stop calling out to his son in a desperate and loving manner. Unexpectedly, the son fled from him and when the father called out to him, he told him to come see all the food in the hut that his mother had been sending him. The son, now transformed into a monkey, vanished forever, and when the father opened the packed meals inside the hut, he discovered that they were the remains of the fire.
Format & Duration: 7 minutes 24 seconds
Date of Recording: 8/9/2024
Date of Upload: 9 December 2024
Performer: Haulom Phom
Creator: Henchem Phom
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Phom, Henchem . 2025 . Stepmother (Narrated by Haulom Phom) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/stepmother/) . Accessed: (13-Mar-2025)