Title: Recipe of Rosep Aon

Language: Chungli

Description: This video provides step-by-step instructions for preparing “Rosep Aon,” a dish popular among the Ao Nagas; featuring the narrator cooking, and demonstrating each stage of the process in Ao Chungli language. “Rosep aon” which translates to “Rosep dish” is a popular dish among the Ao Nagas, cooked using various vegetables and green leaves.

Format & Duration: video: 4 mins, 31 secs
Date of Recording: 8/17/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Imisenla Sanglir
Creator: Vivo Vadeo
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: The dish is called Rosep, which can be roughly translated to ‘reduced’ or ‘simmered’ because the dish is prepared by boiling all the ingredients in water, until it simmers and dries.

 Jangru, Dorela  . 2025  . Recipe of Rosep Aon.   (Narrated by Imisenla Sanglir )  . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (https://neiipa.in/audio/recipe-of-rosep-aon/)  . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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