Oyo Ethan Motsu

Folk Tale . 3:52

Title: Oyo Ethan Motsu

Language: Lotha

Description: This story tells of a man who, after losing his wife, remarries a woman who cannot have children. Filled with bitterness, the stepmother turns her frustration on her stepdaughter, secretly mistreating her while the father is away. Each day during harvest, the father instructs his new wife to share the best portion of their meal—a bird’s breast meat—with the girl. Instead, the stepmother deceives the daughter, giving her only a sour mango seed and pretending it’s the meat. The daughter, puzzled and saddened, hides the seeds, unsure of the truth. One day, while at the field, the girl sings about the bird’s sour meat, which catches her father’s attention. Realizing the deception, the father is heartbroken. He exposes his wife’s cruelty to the village elders, who cast her out, and he vows never to remarry, dedicating himself to protecting his daughter

Format & Duration: 3 mintues 53 seconds
Date of Recording: 8/10/2024
Date of Upload: 9 December 2024
Performer: Mhadeno Mozhui
Creator: Konthungo T Mozhui
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Folktale of the pochury tribe

 Mozhui, Konthungo T . 2024  . Oyo Ethan Motsu (Narrated by Mhadeno Mozhui)  . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College  . (https://neiipa.in/audio/oyo-ethan-motsu/)  . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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