Onkhümoe Motsü

Folk Tale . 2:00

Title: Onkhümoe Motsü.

Language: Lotha


Once upon a time, there were two brothers. The elder brother’s name was Yantsae, and the younger brother’s name was Elü. Unfortunately, the younger brother did not like his elder brother, and they did not love each other.

One day, while walking with his friend, Elü said, “Let’s go to the jungle to pick and eat black cherries.” They agreed and went to the forest. Elü climbed up the black cherry tree, ate some cherries, and applied the juice all over his body. Then he called out to his friend, “I’m falling down!” and pretended to fall to the ground, acting as if he were dead.

His friend came over, saw him, and said, “We’re from different tribes, so I can’t help or care for you. Let me go to the village and call your elder brother.” The friend then left Elü alone and went to the village.

When the friend reached the village, he reported the incident to Yantsae, who immediately went to the jungle and found his brother lying on the ground. Yantsae said, “Elü, all these days you have had no love for me, but you have only loved your friend.”

Yantsae then helped Elü stand up. At that moment, Elü revealed, “Brother, nothing bad has happened to me.” Yantsae was surprised. Elü quickly lifted his elder brother onto his back and carried him home to the village.

After this incident, Elü stopped valuing his friend and began to love and appreciate his elder brother. They lived in unity from then on.

Today, people say, “First and foremost, loving and living in unity with siblings is much better than loving friends.” Brotherly love is a treasure that should be cherished and nurtured.

Moral: Loving and living in unity with our siblings is better than having fake friends.

Format & Duration: Audio: 2mins
Date of Recording: 7/24/2024
Date of Upload: 11-September-2024
Performer: Piyanthung Yanthan
Creator: Lansothung T Lotha
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Lotha, Lansothung T  . 2024.  Onkhümoe Motsü. .(https://neiipa.in/audio/onkhumoe-motsu/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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