Olangmiyo shenyih henyü langmeyo

folk song . 3:49

Title: “Olangmiyo shenyih henyü langmeyo”

Language: Phom


This is a folk song originated from Pongo village. It is a very well known song played during special occasions like Phom cultural day, festive seasons, honouring the guests, during opening/closing ceremony of any sports events.
The song conveys a strong message on peace and harmony. It has the ability to evoke unity and peace among people. It shows their approach to people’s life challenges. This song brings out peace in people and end to conflicts. It tells us how one should never lie but to be humble and selfless, to take any responsibilities that is assigned to us wholeheartedly.

Format & Duration: Audio: 3mins, 49secs
Date of Recording: 7/21/2024
Date of Upload: 25-September-2024
Performer: S Yongkai Phom
Creator: L Lithai Anghla
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Miss Rosy Tep,who gave me the opportunity to do this assignment. Secondly, I would like to thank Mr S Yongkai Phom ,an inhabitant of Pongo village , for agreeing and cooperating to do this video .

Anghla, L Lithai  . 2024.  Olangmiyo shenyih henyü langmeyo.(https://neiipa.in/audio/olangmiyo-shenyih-henyu-langmeyo/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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