Title: Nüushi yangluba
Language: Ao
Description: Nüushi /nə̀ʃìʔ/, popularly called “Anishi” by the nagas, is the most representative food of the Ao tribe. It is made out of fermented yum/colocosia leaves. Nüushi is a traditional food ingredient that is prepared with tomato and chillies, creating the delightful “Nüushi Aon”.
Format & Duration: video: 3 minutes, 29 seconds
Date of Recording: 8/14/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: T. Akala
Creator: Onenkokla Jamir
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Nüushi is often paired with smoked pork to enhance flavour and aroma, making it a beloved dish in every Ao household. It is a staple at cultural gatherings, including Moatsü and Tsüngremmong festivals
Jamir, Onenkokla . 2025 . Nüushi yangluba . (Narrated by T. Akala ) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/nuushi-yangluba/) . Accessed: (12-Mar-2025)