Title: Nahutun Racham
Language: Liangmai
Once upon a time, there lived a two men in a village.one day, both men went to the jungle to make a trap.one man made a trap on the ground while the other man set his trap on the tree to catch birds. The man who set the trap on the ground caught deer but before he could reach the jungle, the other man tied the deer on the tree where he set his trap so that he can claim for himself. When the other man reached the jungle they both started to quarrel that the Deer can never climb a tree. Therefore both of them decided to settle down their problem to the village Chief who was a intelligent man called by the name Namhutun. On the said day, all the villagers gathered to witness to justice of both man. They waited so long for the village chief and at last the village chief came and the villagers ask him why he took so long, at that moment the chief told them that he was watching the fishes on ground eating grass and playing. The villagers queried and claim that a fish lives in water and not on the ground. At this the village chief told them that a deer never climb a tree. Therefore they came to settle down their problem and the man who got trap a deer got justice and the liar man was punished.
Format & Duration: Audio: 1 mins, 57 secs
Date of Recording: 8/13/2024
Date of Upload: 1 October 2024
Performer: Khangbuibo
Creator: Kirangdibe
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: I would like to thank Dr.Rosy Tep for giving me this opportunity. Throughout this entire research on the project,i have gained alot of knowledge and many new things about my very own culture.it has been truly an exciting one to do.And secondly i would like to thank Khangbuibo for all his efforts and bringing this Project a successful one.
Kirangdibe . 2024. Nahutun Racham (narrated by Khangbuibo) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/nahutun-racham/) . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)