Title: Metemneo Festival
Language: Yimkhiung
Description: It is a short narration about the main festival of the Yimkhiung Nagas- the Medemneo festival. This festival is celebrated widely by the Yimkhiungs in the first week of August every year. The narrator describes in detail the essence of the festival, what is done during this festival and why it is celebrated.
Format & Duration: Audio: 5mins 23secs
Date of Recording: 3-Jul-2023
Date of Upload: 01-Nov-2023
Performer: Rev. Athsan Yimchunger
Creator: Dorela Jangru
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Jangru, Dorela. 2023. Metemneo Festival narrated by Rev. Athsan Yimchunger. (https://neiipa.in/audio/metemneo-festival/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (20-Feb-2025)