Latbou si mühgha sao eibü ngühli

Folk Tale . 3:18

Title: Latbou si mühgha sao eibü ngühli.

Language: Chang



Once there was a Man in the CHANGSANG, where he had a garden of lovely floral display, however at every midst of night he found his flowers were ploughed, so he hidingly tried to overlook the culprit, then by his surprise he noticed a lady girl, where she plough the blooms of flowers and without any delay he went rushing and catch the lady girl and he asked, ‘Who are you?’ she replied, am the lady demon. After which their conversation he insisted the lady demon to get it with him and joyfully accepted the purposal then they live happily after. They dislike the doing of farm work so they had to go through starvation sometimes. One day the lady demon summoned her husband to visit her native village to meet her parents, he then agreed to her decision. Few days after, when her wife’s returns from her village he went to picked her up on her way but when they gets nearer he surprisingly noticed his wife carrying a human leg on his back however at the verge of times when the lady demon saw her husband coming she turned the human leg into a cow’s leg without his knowledge of transformation to avoid the suspicious, then when they arrived homes the lady demon (wife) cooked and served the leg of a cow but the man (husband) refused to eat.
A days after, the lady demon was on her preparation to encounter her own husband for her meal but while on her preparation to her mission, the people from the native village saw her of mischievous act and trap the lady into their hands and tried to kill the lady demon but then she somehow escaped the threat and flew away to the clouds in the sky.
So whenever in that village, the festive season arrives, every time the sickness, the death of people are often began and witnessed by the people in the village of CHANGSANG.

Format & Duration: Audio: 3min 18sec.
Date of Recording: 8/12/2024
Date of Upload: 26-September-2024
Performer: Mosa
Creator: Metun chuba chang
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: I would like to thank miss rosy for giving me this opportunity, through this research I could learnt many new things and my identity as a true chang naga.Secondly Mr. Mosa who is my narrator to this story for making out the precious time for me in making this research.

Metun chuba chang   . 2024.  Latbou si mühgha sao eibü ngühli.( NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (05-Feb-2025)

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