Garo Folktale-Peru Am·pak Kika: A Tale of Procrastination

folk tale . 1:39

Title: Garo Folktale-Peru Am·pak Kika: A Tale of Procrastination.

Language: Garo


On a cold winter night, a fox, unable to withstand the freezing temperatures, lamented his situation. In a moment of resolve, he decided that at dawn, he would craft a blanket from tree bark to keep himself warm. Comforted by this plan, he passed the night. However, when the sun rose, the warmth of the day caused him to forget his intentions, and he spent the day in carefree idleness. As evening fell and the cold returned, the fox remembered his earlier resolve and regretted not having prepared anything to keep himself warm. Frustrated, he cried out and once again vowed to make a blanket the following day. But as before, the warmth of the sun caused him to forget, and the cycle repeated itself.

This is why it is said that the fox cries on winter nights. It serves as a metaphor for individuals who, like the fox, continually make promises to accomplish important tasks but never follow through. Such individuals are often likened to the “Peru Am·pak Kika.”

Moral: The story illustrates the importance of prioritizing and completing tasks rather than allowing procrastination to prevent progress.

Format & Duration: Audio-1mins, 39secs
Date of Recording: 8/15/2024
Date of Upload: 18-September-2024
Performer: Faristha Ch.Marak
Creator: Pangkame D Sangma
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Sangma Pangkame D  . 2024.  Garo Folktale-Peru Am·pak Kika: A Tale of Procrastination .( Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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