Folktale of Yongshei village, how it was formed.

Folk Tale . 1:16

Title: Folktale of Yongshei village, how it was formed.
Language: Phom

The most eastern part during the time of our forefathers , they could not differentiate between man and animals
But after shifting to a place called Apaihong they were able to differentiate between man and animals and they made a village called Vangleng Yongshei.They spent their days in the scorching sun in their own fields. After that a lot of headhunting took place among different villages during that time. They spent their days in the scorching sun in their own fields. But then they realize that they should not stay this way and the forefathers of Yongshei village took a step and made peace. And that is how the Village of Yongshei was formed.
Yongshei means “A Strong Stone in a place without moving, though rain or storms come, it won’t move”.

Format & Duration: Audio: 1mins, 16 secs
Date of Recording: 8/2/2024
Date of Upload: 11-September-2024
Performer:Yan-e Shukha
Creator: Laphen Ong
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Ong, Laphen  . 2024.  Folktale of Yongshei village, how it was formed.( Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)

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