Title: Construction of Morungs in New Villages
Language: Yimkhiung
Description: This narration details the traditional process the Yimkhiung people used to establish a new village. They began by constructing a morung and then conducted a specific ritual to determine the site’s suitability. In the past, the morung held a central role in nearly every facet of Yimkhiung traditional village life.
Format & Duration: video: 2 mins, 46 secs
Date of Recording: 7/19/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: M Yinkiu Yimchunger
Creator: Dorela Jangru
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Before the coming of Christianity, the Yimkhiung Nagas followed many customary practices, one of them being the traditional system of construction of Morungs and also its place of importance among the community. With the widespread of Christianity in every Yimkhiung village, such practices are no longer followed now.
Jangru, Dorela . 2025 . Construction of Morungs in New Villages . (Narrated by M Yinkiu Yimchunger ) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/construction-of-morungs-in-new-villages/) . Accessed: (12-Mar-2025)