Title: Bats and the Animals, Birds
Language: Lotha
A long time ago, before the departure of the animals and birds, there was a battle between the two groups. However, the bats stayed neutral, neither supporting the animals nor the birds. The animals asked the bats to join their side, but the bats refused, claiming they were birds. Similarly, when the birds asked for their support, the bats again refused, saying they were animals. The bats thought they would side with whichever group won the battle.
In the end, the animals and birds made peace and became good friends. The bats then tried to join the birds, but the birds rejected them, saying, “During the battle, you claimed to be an animal, so go to the animals.” The birds chased the bats away. The bats then went to the animals, but the animals also refused, saying, “You claimed to be a bird during the battle, so go to the birds.” The animals also chased the bats away.
This is why bats never come out during the day but only at night.
Format & Duration: Video: 2 mins, 1secs.
Date of Recording: 8/10/2024
Date of Upload: 21 October 2024
Performer: Chichanbeni Ezung
Creator: Sulanbeni N Ezung
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: I will like to express my heartful thanks of gratitude to my English teacher for this wonderful project.
Ezung, Sulanbeni N . 2024 . Bats and the Animals, Birds (narrated by Chichanbeni Ezung) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College .(https://neiipa.in/audio/bats-and-the-animals-birds/) . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)