Title: “Asi Malja” Superstitious Beliefs of Garo Community
Language: Garo
“Asi Malja”, one of the most famous superstitious beliefs of the Garo Community. According to this belief, if individuals fail to listen to their elders, they will be punished by their gods. This belief is deeply rooted in the community, and many Garo people still hold onto it firmly.The Garo Community places great importance on respecting and obeying their elders, and this belief serves as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience. Despite modernization and changing times, the community continues to strongly believe in the story of Asi Malja, highlighting its significance in their culture and tradition.
Format & Duration: Audio: 6 Mins, 32 Secs
Date of Recording: 7/24/2024
Date of Upload: 26-September-2024
Performer: Mr.Esak Pantora Ch Marak
Creator: Jaksilchi S Sangma
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: Special Thanks to Mr.Esak Pantora Ch Marak For sharing his knowledge on “Asi Malja” one of the most superstitious beliefs of Garo Community.
Sangma, Jaksilchi S . 2024. "Asi Malja" Superstitious Beliefs of Garo Community.(https://neiipa.in/audio/asi-malja-superstitious-beliefs-of-garo-community/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)