Title: Arju
Language: Ao
Description: This is a narration of the very commonly known place among the Nagas called Murong, which in Ao is called Arju.
Arju, for the Aos, was basically a school-like home for the boys where they were taught life lessons, how to face the enemies, how to do carvings such as stone and wood carvings, etiquette as a man etc. One very important aspect that was taught to the boys was the “socio-cultural” subject. When a boy comes to a certain age (ie; 16-17), they were allowed to stay / visit this place and were graduated again after attaining a certain age group.
Format & Duration: Audio: 12mins 15secs
Date of Recording: 11-Mar-23
Date of Upload: 01-Nov-2023
Performer: K.Tsükti Jamir
Creator: Onenkokla Jamir
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Jamir, Onenkokla. 2023. Arju narrated by K.Tsükti Jamir. (https://neiipa.in/audio/arju/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)