Title: Ancestral belief of Earthquake
Language: Ao
Description: The data is about the ancestral beliefs of how and why earthquakes happen. It was believed that earthquakes were a result of the actions of people disobeying Lijaba – the creator of land in Ao mythology. People would offer eggs and even chicken to convince Lijaba.
Format & Duration: Audio – 2 mins, 12 secs
Date of Recording: 14-Mar-2023
Date of Upload:01-Nov-2023
Performer: T. Asenla Imchen
Creator: Arentula
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Arentula. 2023. Ancestral belief of Earthquake narrated by T. Asenla Imchen. (https://neiipa.in/audio/ancestral-belief-of-earthquake/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)