Ajinga oppo téito

Folk song . 1:24

Title: Ajinga oppo téito

Language: Tani (Luoba)


This folk song narrates a humorous story of a child confessing to their friends about drinking alcohol and the ensuing anger from their parents. It highlights the consequences of this action, often sung lightheartedly at family events or community celebrations. This song is a traditional piece from the Tani culture, sometimes performed as a playful jest during gatherings. It especially pokes fun at the common joke about children sneaking a drink during harvest festivals, reflecting a humorous take on cultural practices and familial dynamics.

Format & Duration: Audio-1mins, 24secs
Date of Recording: 11/8/2023
Date of Upload: 25-September-2024
Performer: Marsang Yebu and Yamki
Creator: Tani Language Foundation
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA

Tani Language Foundation   . 2024.  Ajinga oppo téito.(https://neiipa.in/audio/ajinga-oppo-teito/) Sovima: NEIIPA,Tetso College. Accessed: (08-Mar-2025)

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