Title: Ahuna Mini Festival
Language: Sumi
Ahuna Mini is a traditional celebration that takes place in November, marking the harvest season. This festival is rooted in the customs of our forefathers, who honored the end of the crop season with various rituals and observances.
The element of the celebration reflects a belief or tradition that excludes women from participating in certain aspects of the ritual.The Ahuna Mini festival is observed with a special creation that is made in darkness symbolizing girls with dark hearts.
A prominent feature of Ahuna Mini is the use of a white line, which represents the arrival of cold winter days. Additionally, the small red color incorporated into the celebration signifies the consumption of meat during the winter months, reflecting a practice of relying on animal resources to sustain the community through the cold.
Ahuna Mini serves as a way to pass down the traditions and memories of the ancestors to future generations. It is a reminder of the way life was celebrated in the past, ensuring that the customs and stories of the forefathers are not forgotten. The festival is a time to reflect on the olden days and to honor the heritage that has been handed down through the years.
Format & Duration: Audio: 1 minute 4 seconds.
Date of Recording: 8/11/2024
Date of Upload: 4 October 2024
Performer: Kheqheli
Creator: Alvina sumi
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Sumi, Alvina . 2024 . Ahuna Mini Festival (narrated by Kheqheli) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/ahuna-mini-festival/) . Accessed: (12-Mar-2025)