Title: A tale of a lady and the spirit of a tree.
Language: Phom
Romantic relationships between individuals are common and natural; however, there is a unique tale of a woman who fell in love with a being she could only encounter at night. During the day, her lover was nowhere to be seen. Concerned by this peculiar circumstance, the woman’s family decided to investigate. They instructed her to cover her lover with a red shawl just before he departed, while maintaining her usual conversation with him during his visit that night.
When her lover arrived that evening, the woman placed a red shawl over his shoulders before he left. The following day, her family set out to find him, anticipating that the shawl would lead them to his location. They were surprised to discover the shawl hanging from a branch of a large tree. It became apparent that her lover was not a human but rather the spirit of the tree.
Upon realizing that the object of their concern was indeed a tree, the woman’s brothers were infuriated and decided to cut it down. They warned her to remain indoors and not to observe them while they were chopping the tree. Despite their warning, the woman peered through a small gap in the bamboo wall. A piece of the tree fell into her eye, and when the tree was finally felled, she also collapsed and died as a result.
This brief narrative recounts the tragic tale of a woman whose love was for a tree spirit, leading to her untimely demise.
Format & Duration: Audio- 5 mins, 44 secs
Date of Recording: 8/9/2024
Date of Upload: 13-September-2024
Performer: Peko Phom
Creator: Henchem Phom
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Phom, Henchem . 2024. A tale of a lady and the spirit of a tree .(https://neiipa.in/audio/a-tale-of-a-lady-and-the-spirit-of-a-tree/) Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College. Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)