Title: Putu Yimsüsüba Tarensen
Language: Ao
Description: The Ao people, originating from the “six stones” of Chungliyimti, saw their population grow over time. To maintain harmony, they felt the need for rules and thus, all Ao clans gathered at Longkonger house and form the “Putu,” like a village council. There are five types of Putu: Medemsanger Putu, Mejensanger Putu, Mopungsanger Putu, Kosasanger Putu, and Reongsanger Putu.
The Ao clans regard the Putu Menden as pure. To be part of the Putu Menden, certain criteria must be met: individuals involved in community treason, those with disabilities, those married within the same title, and unwed individuals are not allowed.
The Putu Menden has several powers and functions:
Punishing those who do not adhere to its rules with fines or penalties.
Instructing the community to cease visiting or helping the fined person’s household with agricultural tasks and chores.
If the individual continues to disobey, they are cast out from the village and clan.
This system ensures that the Ao people live in harmony and follow the established rules, maintaining order and unity within the community.
Format & Duration: Audio: 4 mins, 59 secs.
Date of Recording: 8/14/2024
Date of Upload: 20 January 2025
Performer: Temjenliba
Creator: Tongpangnungshi Jamir
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Jamir, Tongpangnungshi . 2025 . Putu Yimsüsüba Tarensen (Narrated by Temjenliba ) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/putu-yimsusuba-tarensen/) . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)