Title: Folk tale of Hekarei and Maiserung
Language: Zeme
The folk tale/story is about Hekarei & Maiseurung.
Once upon a time, Hekarei and Maiseurung lived in the same place. One day, Maiseurung was walking up and down with a file in his hand and Hekarei saw and thought Maiseurung was a knowledgeable person. So, Hekarei asked Maiseurung, “What are you doing with the file walking up and down?” Maiseurung replied, “I teach people”. Hekarei was impressed and thought of sending his children to Maiseurung to educate his children, and finally, Hekarei made up his mind and sent his older child. But Maiseurung hunted him down and ate the older child. As time passed by, Hekarei asked Maiseurung about his son and Maiseurung replied, “he’s progressing so much and learning a lot”. Then Hekarei sent his younger child again and Maiseurung hunted him down and ate the younger child also.
As time went by, Hekarei asked about his children again and Maiseurung replied, “Both of them are learning fast and much better than before’. One fine day, Hekarei sneaked in to check on how his sons were progressing. He saw that Maiseurung had eaten both of them and had laid their heads at his door. Upon seeing this, Hekarei was enraged and decided to take revenge for his sons. When he heard that Maiseurung was at the riverside, he pretended to be a dead fish flowing down the river in order to fool Maiseurung. However, the cunning Maiseurung noticed that the dead fish’s eyes were closed. So he exclaimed, “Ah, a dead fish never closes its eyes.” Upon hearing that, Hekarei opened his eyes again. Realizing it was Hekarei trying to fool him, Maiseurung ran away and saved his own life.
Format & Duration: Audio: 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Date of Recording: 8/9/2024
Date of Upload: 4 October 2024
Performer: Achule
Creator: Keheileuding
Publisher: Tetso College, Dimapur
Note: NA
Keheileuding . 2024 . Folk tale of Hekarei and Maiserung (narrated by Achule) . Sovima: NEIIPA, Tetso College . (https://neiipa.in/audio/folk-tale-of-hekarei-and-maiserung/) . Accessed: (14-Mar-2025)